
Middle Room - The Future

Plant a bulb to symbolise something you hope will grow in the future
write a note to self for six months time - give yourself a goal for your adventure with God!
Write things you want to be remembered for -use your own photo or just your words
Find yourself on the map

The Creche/Lounge - Memorial and Prayer room

Use this room for communion, prayer and reflection. Pray for people caught in conflict or uffering or loss

Round the walls are a number of photos of roadside memorials

Sadly the pics of the roadside memorials did not come out but you can see a bunch of flowers on the wall next to photos

Use the World map on the floor - drop wine on places in the world which are in conflict and drop petals in memory of those you have lost. Use prayers if you want to.

Other pages

Introduction downstairs acknowledgements

To see larger pictures click on small ones